2012 is bound to be a great year. I can feel it.
In 2012, I will...
-be the mother of an 11 year old (which makes me really old)
-graduate from school
-celebrate my 13th wedding anniversary - love number 13...love my marriage.
-register Logan for kindergarten...despite his constant protest
-have 4 out of 5 boys in school
-attend 2 weddings
-have another boy celebrate his First Communion
In 2012, I want to...
-read more
-expand my garden
-learn how to sew
-learn how to can
-figure out a way to smuggle goats into my backyard without my neighbors (or the HOA) taking note
-move to a farm (if the goat thing doesn't go over well)
-date more (hubby and I rarely get out...extra emphasis on rarely)
-move to a farm (even if the goat thing works out well)
-blog more
-move to a farm
There it is, my 2012 list of what will and what just may happen.
What's on your list?

you forgot watch your niece!!!!