This morning I walked out of our bathroom to find 4 of my 5 boys watching Spongebob Squarepants on my bed.
(For the record, let me state that I do not understand the appeal of that particular cartoon. However, it's a favorite in this house....weird.)
I had just finished putting on my makeup, and was giving my wet hair a few minutes to air dry before succumbing to the dreadful 10 minutes it takes to blow dry. As I stood at my dresser, I heard this:
"Whoa, Mom! Did you know you have the exact same hairstyle as
That is SO cool!"
Now, in case I have you wondering who The Great Khali is, here's a picture:
It's only been a few weeks since he told me I was prettier than this guy:
I need a makeover.

Glad you brought this one back. Your funniest blog ever, hands down!