in just a few short weeks.
There are currently 8 boys in our family, ranging in age from 10 months to 10 years. And in case you don't know much about boys, here's a crash course.
Boys are messy
they have horrendous table manners
they never use utensils
and they have been known to practice voodoo on their milk.
They pee whenever and wherever they feel like it
and they don't take fancy crab dinners seriously.
Worst of all,
they continue to dress up like Star Wars characters. Even when they're 33.
(My brother...poor guy just isn't himself unless he's wearing his favorite pair of skinny jeans)
As you can imagine, finding out that a GIRL would soon be joining our family, was news that we had been waiting for...for a long time.
We threw Meg (and baby Madyson) a shower two weeks ago. It was girlie, frilly, and fun.
It was pinkishly perfect.
So hurry it up, little girl. We're all ready and waiting to crown the family princess.
(Of course, no one is as eager as your Aunt Amy.)

sweet decorations. :)