Four years ago today, a sweet baby boy with a dimple in each cheek, and extra-long fingers and toes came into our world. He's a happy, goofy, curious, mischievous, super duper smart, caring and loving boy who wears his heart on his sleeve.
Logan James.
You've taught me more these past four years than most people learn in a lifetime. Because of you, I know that ants and roly poly's are cute, and that I shouldn't step on them, because
they're just twyin' to get back to their mamas. Because of you, we frequently eat dinner with your daily 'creature catch' as our kitchen table centerpiece.
These are the things make me smile.
Since you've been potty-trained, the bushes and trees in our yard (and at the park, and various other public places) have miraculously doubled in size. We thank you for sharing your organic materials with the world.
You leave no stone unturned, and you search around each and every corner. I often find you in sticky (and
sometimes always dangerous) situations, but your dimples act as your
'get out of jail free' card, and come to the rescue each and every time.
(Disciplining a naughty boy with double dimples is an impossible task, and one that I choose to avoid.) Despite being given a free pass since birth, and having never been punished, you're a very well-rounded young man.
Logan James
Logie Bogie
Bogie Boy
Lishy Lou
Happy Birthday, my boy.